Sarah is currently…

Changing her blog name! RIP Will Run for Pasta. 😢

Yes, that’s right, it’s the end of an era. The end of a decade, actually.

Like, *exactly* a decade.

I started Will Run for Pasta on July 7th, 2012.

Today is July 7th, 2022.

How’s that for serendipity?!


Funnily enough, I started my very first Blogger blog in July 2006, and my third Blogger blog in July 2012.

What the heck is it about July that makes me want to write?

After starting that third blog in 2012 I quickly got overwhelmed and decided to re-brand and focus on one main thing, which was tracking my running journey. Over the next few years I also got involved in the Portland blogger community which was a lot of fun, but that community has since faded away, as well as my running. I still have friends from those days though, and I still eat pasta of course! That will never stop. Never ever.

Not even when I die, because there will be pasta in heaven. Obviously.


I’ve been thinking about a name change for a few years, but I’ve been Will Run for Pasta for so long it was hard to imagine anything different. I’ve also learned some things since 2012 and was concerned that the name was unintentionally promoting the toxic diet culture belief that you have to earn your food. Spoiler alert: you don’t.

Ultimately, I could no longer ignore the fact that it just didn’t fit where I’m at today.

43 and falling apart, haha!


So, how did Will Run for Pasta become Sarah is currently…?

(Or should that be Sarah is Currently, which is technically more of a proper name/title? I couldn’t decide.)

You know how I like to have ideas and announce I’m doing something and then I don’t do it? That happened in October 2020 when I decided I was going to start a YouTube channel called Currently Masking where I reviewed skincare face masks. I never got that started, but I did a ton of research and the idea has still been kickin’ around, but I knew I’d eventually want to talk about more than face masks, so I landed on Sarah is Currently… which would give me that flexibility.

“Currently” was actually a fun blog prompt way back when. If you didn’t have a specific idea for a post, you could write about what you were currently reading, currently eating, currently watching, currently loving, currently hating, etc. so that’s the basic idea. I’ll be blogging about whatever I’m currently doing, which may be harder than I think since we’re homebodies who work mostly from home and we don’t get out much.


Also, every how-to-blog article also tells you to pick a niche, but I don’t love that journey for me, so I’m ignoring that advice. I’m more of the OG blogger type who just writes to share their life, which now has the fancy name of “lifestyle blogging”.

Do I expect this to turn me into a millionaire influencer? No.

So why am I doing it? For fun.

I enjoy the writing, and it feels like a creative outlet. My main topics will probably be Hallmark movies, Etsy, books, food (as soon as my gallbladder issues are fixed), and fun 40s things like chin hair and jowls. I’m still thinking about starting that YouTube channel as well, but yes, it’s still terrifying.

My goal is to post once a week to start, but I’ve only posted twice in the last 2-1/2 years, so we’ll see how this goes. I hope you’ll stick around and find out.

Like and subscribe! (That’s for YouTube, just trying to get in the habit of saying it.)


sarah is currently signature


Want to start your own blog? I highly recommend Blog With Ben!

I consider myself to be fairly savvy with technology, although my husband would beg to differ, but even I was overwhelmed with everything it takes to get a site up and running these days. Plus, there are all the things you don’t even know that you don’t know. You know?

That’s where the Blog With Ben YouTube channel comes in handy. He walks you through every single step, in depth, and in real time. Start his video, do what he does, and in 5 hours you’ll be up and running!

More like 5-7 hours depending on how long you play around with the design template and creating images, but that’s still not bad. You’ll also feel confident that you’ve done all the right things from the start to set your blog up for success. And fewer spam comments.

In May he posted a video called How to Start a Lifestyle Blog in 2022 | Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners, and that’s the one I followed. I like the theme he chose for that, and I’m happy with how it all turned out.

There are also legal issues to consider, and I recommend Amira as a starting point for all that info.


It took a gosh dang while, but I figured out how to import Will Run for Pasta posts but keep them off the home page, archives can be found here.

Okay, that’s all, see ya next time!

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